Saturday, January 7, 2012

What to do With a Your Hubby's old socks

This project is so cute you are going to run and tell someone about it as soon as you see what it is.

You may be thinking, how do I make my husband's old socks look cute? They weren't even cute to begin with!

Argyle, striped, plaid or contrasting toe socks may induce more yawns than ooh's and ahh's as they patiently sit in your hubby's top drawer awaiting their next outing.

That is until they look like this:

Tell me you didn't just squeal with delight.

Don't lie now.

I know you want one.

I made this funny dog for my Pittsburgh gal pal's little boy. I told him he could name it. I can't wait to hear what his name is!

Ok so I technically didn't swipe one of Mr. Lemon's socks. Mostly because he has boring ones. I bought mine, but you could easily raid the drawers of your husband and sons while they are distracted...

This dog is made from one sock, so don't go tossing those stranded socks you shoved into the back of your laundry room cabinet.

Here is what you need:
Uno sock-o (Remember the larger the better! Look for pattern or make yours plain.)
Needle and Thread or a sewing machine. (I hand-sewed mine),
Button for nose
Ribbon for a collar

I got the idea from Create Studio's blog, which also has a lovely tutorial.

Now what to do with those ugly ties he insists on wearing....

1 comment:

  1. Whoa, these are cute!!! I'm going to get some old socks right now :). Wash them first tho, right ;). Yes, idea for ugly ties please! Then he won't feel so bad b/c he'd hate to throw them away!
