Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Hot Hot Hot!

This July has been really hot, which always slows me down.... waaaaaay down. The humidity means that I cannot paint furniture, so I have been staying busy indoors with smaller projects (more on those a bit later). I have been trying to keep my plants on my back porch alive, but this is proving to be more difficult than I thought. So far this growing season I have:
  1. planted and killed three trays of basil and zinnias that I planted from seeds. I am a little sad about that since I thought that zinnias were "no-fail plants". I guess Burpee never met me...
  2. destroyed over half of the herb garden I was given as a teacher's gift. I guess it is okay since I am not really in love with cilantro.
  3. over-watered a pot of flowers given to me at the end of the school year. I didn't realize the pot didn't have any drainage holes, so maybe it is not entirely my fault?
  4. watched my once-healthy house plants turn from green to brown. Don't worry Mom- I think I can salvage some...
I have managed somehow to keep my tomatoes from being fried in the sun and/or eaten by the rabbit family that lives under my shed. Maybe there is hope for me yet!
My little tomato plants are doing better than I expected...

Whoa! Someone should take care of those weeds in the background!

Semi-thriving herbs on the left and dead zinnias on the right. No more seed packets for this girl!

What have you been growing this summer?

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